
Sealants are clear or shaded resin coatings placed on the deep grooves and pits of teeth to protect against decay.

Sealants can be applied easily without the use of local anesthesia. After the tooth surface is cleaned and dried, the sealant is allowed to flow into the grooves and hardened with a special light. Your child will be able to eat right after the appointment.

Sealants can last many years if maintained properly with good oral hygiene and avoidance of biting on hard objects.

We will check your child’s sealants periodically and recommend replacement or repair when necessary.


How Can My Kids Benefit from Dental Sealants?

Dental sealants are typically recommended for children once their permanent premolars and molars come in. Because the molars erupt at different times, dental sealants are usually placed during more than one visit, however, if all of the molars are in, sealants can be applied all at one time. The most benefit comes from placing sealants as the teeth erupt, usually around age 6 and 12. Some children may be more susceptible to tooth decay in primary teeth, and sealants may be appropriate to protect their baby teeth in order to preserve adequate space for the permanent teeth.

Dental sealants can be placed at any age and still provide the same protection. The recommendation of having the sealants applied upon tooth eruption simply lengthens the amount of time the teeth are protected, which is especially important during the cavity-prone years (ages 4-17).

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