
Mouth guards are considered an essential component of athletic gear. If your child participates in any type of sports, we highly recommend the use of a mouth guard to safeguard the teeth & the jaws and to help prevent serious, painful facial injuries.

If your child plays collision/contact type of sports, they may be considered to be at a very high risk for dental/facial injuries. Additionally, if your child is between 7-11 yrs of age they may be at a particular risk for sports related injuries.

There are various types of mouth guards such as custom fit/preformed/boil & bite. Talk to us to determine which mouth guard suits your child the best.

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Caring for Your Mouth Guard

Caring for your mouth guard will involve keeping it as clean as possible.

Mouth guard care tips include:

Rinse your mouth guard in cold water, a mouth rinse, or brush it with mild soap and a toothbrush before and after each use.

Store and transport your mouth guard in a sturdy container that allows air circulation to prevent bacteria growth. Acrylic mouth guards should be stored in fresh, clean water.

Do not leave your mouth guard in the sun or in hot water for extended periods of time, as its shape could become distorted.

Regularly check your mouth guard for wear-and-tear. If holes or tears occur, or if your mouth guard begins to become loose, you should replace it.

Bring your mouth guard to every regularly scheduled dental visit for examination.

Keep your mouth guard away from pets who may damage it.